Emergent Mind

Parallel Performance of Algebraic Multigrid Domain Decomposition (AMG-DD)

Published Jun 25, 2019 in cs.MS , cs.DC , cs.NA , and math.NA


Algebraic multigrid (AMG) is a widely used scalable solver and preconditioner for large-scale linear systems resulting from the discretization of a wide class of elliptic PDEs. While AMG has optimal computational complexity, the cost of communication has become a significant bottleneck that limits its scalability as processor counts continue to grow on modern machines. This paper examines the design, implementation, and parallel performance of a novel algorithm, Algebraic Multigrid Domain Decomposition (AMG-DD), designed specifically to limit communication. The goal of AMG-DD is to provide a low-communication alternative to standard AMG V-cycles by trading some additional computational overhead for a significant reduction in communication cost. Numerical results show that AMG-DD achieves superior accuracy per communication cost compared to AMG, and speedup over AMG is demonstrated on a large GPU cluster.

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