Emergent Mind


Neuromorphic engineers aim to develop event-based spiking neural networks (SNNs) in hardware. These SNNs closer resemble dynamics of biological neurons than todays' artificial neural networks and achieve higher efficiency thanks to the event-based, asynchronous nature of processing. Learning in SNNs is more challenging, however. Since conventional supervised learning methods cannot be ported on SNNs due to the non-differentiable event-based nature of their activation, learning in SNNs is currently an active research topic. Reinforcement learning (RL) is particularly promising method for neuromorphic implementation, especially in the field of autonomous agents' control, and is in focus of this work. In particular, in this paper we propose a new digital multiplier-less hardware implementation of an SNN. We show how this network can learn stimulus-response associations in a context-dependent task through a RL mechanism. The task is inspired by biological experiments used to study RL in animals. The architecture is described using the standard digital design flow and uses power- and space-efficient cores. We implement the behavioral experiments using a robot, to show that learning in hardware also works in a closed sensorimotor loop.

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