Emergent Mind

Multi-Adversarial Variational Autoencoder Networks

Published Jun 14, 2019 in cs.LG , cs.CV , and stat.ML


The unsupervised training of GANs and VAEs has enabled them to generate realistic images mimicking real-world distributions and perform image-based unsupervised clustering or semi-supervised classification. Combining the power of these two generative models, we introduce Multi-Adversarial Variational autoEncoder Networks (MAVENs), a novel network architecture that incorporates an ensemble of discriminators in a VAE-GAN network, with simultaneous adversarial learning and variational inference. We apply MAVENs to the generation of synthetic images and propose a new distribution measure to quantify the quality of the generated images. Our experimental results using datasets from the computer vision and medical imaging domainsStreet View House Numbers, CIFAR-10, and Chest X-Ray datasetsdemonstrate competitive performance against state-of-the-art semi-supervised models both in image generation and classification tasks.

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