Emergent Mind


Abstract With the rapid growth of the Internet of Things (IoT), current Cloud systems face various drawbacks such as lack of mobility support, location-awareness, geo-distribution, high latency, as well as cyber threats. Fog/Edge computing has been proposed for addressing some of the drawbacks, as it enables computing resources at the network's edges and it locally offers big-data analytics rather than transmitting them to the Cloud. The Fog is defined as a Cloud-like system having similar functions, including software-, platform- and infrastructure-as services. The deployment of Fog applications faces various security issues related to virtualisation, network monitoring, data protection and attack detection. This paper proposes a systemic IoT-Fog-Cloud architecture that clarifies the interactions between the three layers of IoT, Fog and Cloud for effectively implementing big-data analytics and cyber security applications. It also reviews security challenges, solutions and future research directions in the architecture.

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