Emergent Mind

Neural Markov Logic Networks

Published May 31, 2019 in cs.LG and stat.ML


We introduce neural Markov logic networks (NMLNs), a statistical relational learning system that borrows ideas from Markov logic. Like Markov logic networks (MLNs), NMLNs are an exponential-family model for modelling distributions over possible worlds, but unlike MLNs, they do not rely on explicitly specified first-order logic rules. Instead, NMLNs learn an implicit representation of such rules as a neural network that acts as a potential function on fragments of the relational structure. Similarly to many neural symbolic methods, NMLNs can exploit embeddings of constants but, unlike them, NMLNs work well also in their absence. This is extremely important for predicting in settings other than the transductive one. We showcase the potential of NMLNs on knowledge-base completion, triple classification and on generation of molecular (graph) data.

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