Emergent Mind

Log-logarithmic Time Pruned Polar Coding

Published May 30, 2019 in cs.IT and math.IT


A pruned variant of polar coding is proposed for binary erasure channels. For sufficiently small $\varepsilon>0$, we construct a series of capacity achieving codes with block length $N=\varepsilon{-5}$, code rate $R=\text{Capacity}-\varepsilon$, error probability $P=\varepsilon$, and encoding and decoding time complexity $\text{bC}=O(\log\left|\log\varepsilon\right|)$ per information bit. The given per-bit complexity $\text{bC}$ is log-logarithmic in $N$, in $\text{Capacity}-R$, and in $P$; no known family of codes possesses this property. It is also the second lowest $\text{bC}$ after repeat-accumulate codes and their variants. While random codes and classical polar codes are the only two families of capacity-achieving codes whose $N$, $R$, $P$, and $\text{bC}$ were written down as explicit functions, our construction gives the third family. Then we generalize the result to: Fix a prime $q$ and fix a $q$-ary-input discrete symmetric memoryless channel. For sufficiently small $\varepsilon>0$, we construct a series of capacity achieving codes with block length $N=\varepsilon{-O(1)}$, code rate $R=\text{Capacity}-\varepsilon$, error probability $P=\varepsilon$, and encoding and decoding time complexity $\text{bC}=O(\log\left|\log\varepsilon\right|)$ per information bit. The later construction gives the fastest family of capacity-achieving codes to date on those channels.

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