Emergent Mind

Optimal Timing of Moving Target Defense: A Stackelberg Game Model

Published May 30, 2019 in cs.GT


As an effective approach to thwarting advanced attacks, moving target defense (MTD) has been applied to various domains. Previous works on MTD, however, mainly focus on deciding the sequence of system configurations to be used and have largely ignored the equally important timing problem. Given that both the migration cost and attack time vary over system configurations, it is crucial to jointly optimize the spatial and temporal decisions in MTD to better protect the system from persistent threats. In this work, we propose a Stackelberg game model for MTD where the defender commits to a joint migration and timing strategy to cope with configuration-dependent migration cost and attack time distribution. The defender's problem is formulated as a semi-Markovian decision process and a nearly optimal MTD strategy is derived by exploiting the unique structure of the game.

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