Emergent Mind

On stochastic gradient Langevin dynamics with dependent data streams: the fully non-convex case

Published May 30, 2019 in math.ST , math.PR , stat.ML , and stat.TH


We consider the problem of sampling from a target distribution, which is \emph {not necessarily logconcave}, in the context of empirical risk minimization and stochastic optimization as presented in Raginsky et al. (2017). Non-asymptotic analysis results are established in the $L1$-Wasserstein distance for the behaviour of Stochastic Gradient Langevin Dynamics (SGLD) algorithms. We allow the estimation of gradients to be performed even in the presence of \emph{dependent} data streams. Our convergence estimates are sharper and \emph{uniform} in the number of iterations, in contrast to those in previous studies.

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