Emergent Mind

Road Segmentation with Image-LiDAR Data Fusion

Published May 26, 2019 in cs.CV and eess.IV


Robust road segmentation is a key challenge in self-driving research. Though many image-based methods have been studied and high performances in dataset evaluations have been reported, developing robust and reliable road segmentation is still a major challenge. Data fusion across different sensors to improve the performance of road segmentation is widely considered an important and irreplaceable solution. In this paper, we propose a novel structure to fuse image and LiDAR point cloud in an end-to-end semantic segmentation network, in which the fusion is performed at decoder stage instead of at, more commonly, encoder stage. During fusion, we improve the multi-scale LiDAR map generation to increase the precision of the multi-scale LiDAR map by introducing pyramid projection method. Additionally, we adapted the multi-path refinement network with our fusion strategy and improve the road prediction compared with transpose convolution with skip layers. Our approach has been tested on KITTI ROAD dataset and has competitive performance.

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