Emergent Mind


We propose controller synthesis for state regulation problems in which a human operator shares control with an autonomy system, running in parallel. The autonomy system continuously improves over human action, with minimal intervention, and can take over full-control. It additively combines user input with an adaptive optimal corrective signal. It is adaptive in that it neither estimates nor requires a model of the human's action policy, or the internal dynamics of the plant, and can adjust to changes in both. Our contribution is twofold; first, a new synthesis for shared control which we formulate as an adaptive optimal control problem for continuous-time linear systems and solve it online as a human-in-the-loop reinforcement learning. The result is an architecture that we call shared linear quadratic regulator (sLQR). Second, we provide new analysis of reinforcement learning for continuous-time linear systems in two parts. In the first analysis part, we avoid learning along a single state-space trajectory which we show leads to data collinearity under certain conditions. We make a clear separation between exploitation of learned policies and exploration of the state-space, and propose an exploration scheme that requires switching to new state-space trajectories rather than injecting noise continuously while learning. This avoidance of continuous noise injection minimizes interference with human action, and avoids bias in the convergence to the stabilizing solution of the underlying algebraic Riccati equation. We show that exploring a minimum number of pairwise distinct state-space trajectories is necessary to avoid collinearity in the learning data. In the second analysis part, we show conditions under which existence and uniqueness of solutions can be established for off-policy reinforcement learning in continuous-time linear systems; namely, prior knowledge of the input matrix.

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