Emergent Mind


We study the vertex-decremental Single-Source Shortest Paths (SSSP) problem: given an undirected graph $G=(V,E)$ with lengths $\ell(e)\geq 1$ on its edges and a source vertex $s$, we need to support (approximate) shortest-path queries in $G$, as $G$ undergoes vertex deletions. In a shortest-path query, given a vertex $v$, we need to return a path connecting $s$ to $v$, whose length is at most $(1+\epsilon)$ times the length of the shortest such path, where $\epsilon$ is a given accuracy parameter. The problem has many applications, for example to flow and cut problems in vertex-capacitated graphs. Our main result is a randomized algorithm for vertex-decremental SSSP with total expected update time $O(n{2+o(1)}\log L)$, that responds to each shortest-path query in $O(n\log L)$ time in expectation, returning a $(1+\epsilon)$-approximate shortest path. The algorithm works against an adaptive adversary. The main technical ingredient of our algorithm is an $\tilde O(|E(G)|+ n{1+o(1)})$-time algorithm to compute a \emph{core decomposition} of a given dense graph $G$, which allows us to compute short paths between pairs of query vertices in $G$ efficiently. We believe that this core decomposition algorithm may be of independent interest. We use our result for vertex-decremental SSSP to obtain $(1+\epsilon)$-approximation algorithms for maximum $s$-$t$ flow and minimum $s$-$t$ cut in vertex-capacitated graphs, in expected time $n{2+o(1)}$, and an $O(\log4n)$-approximation algorithm for the vertex version of the sparsest cut problem with expected running time $n{2+o(1)}$. These results improve upon the previous best known results for these problems in the regime where $m= \omega(n{1.5 + o(1)})$.

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