Emergent Mind

Efficient Arbitrary Simultaneously Entangling Gates on a trapped-ion quantum computer

Published May 22, 2019 in quant-ph and cs.ET


Efficiently entangling pairs of qubits is essential to fully harness the power of quantum computing. Here, we devise an exact protocol that simultaneously entangles arbitrary pairs of qubits on a trapped-ion quantum computer. The protocol requires classical computational resources polynomial in the system size, and very little overhead in the quantum control compared to a single-pair case. We demonstrate an exponential improvement in both classical and quantum resources over the current state of the art. We implement the protocol on a software-defined trapped-ion quantum computer, where we reconfigure the quantum computer architecture on demand. Together with the all-to-all connectivity available in trapped-ion quantum computers, our results establish that trapped ions are a prime candidate for a scalable quantum computing platform with minimal quantum latency.

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