Emergent Mind

DoPa: A Comprehensive CNN Detection Methodology against Physical Adversarial Attacks

Published May 21, 2019 in cs.CR , cs.CV , cs.LG , and stat.ML


Recently, Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) demonstrate a considerable vulnerability to adversarial attacks, which can be easily misled by adversarial perturbations. With more aggressive methods proposed, adversarial attacks can be also applied to the physical world, causing practical issues to various CNN powered applications. To secure CNNs, adversarial attack detection is considered as the most critical approach. However, most existing works focus on superficial patterns and merely search a particular method to differentiate the adversarial inputs and natural inputs, ignoring the analysis of CNN inner vulnerability. Therefore, they can only target to specific physical adversarial attacks, lacking expected versatility to different attacks. To address this issue, we propose DoPa -- a comprehensive CNN detection methodology for various physical adversarial attacks. By interpreting the CNN's vulnerability, we find that non-semantic adversarial perturbations can activate CNN with significantly abnormal activations and even overwhelm other semantic input patterns' activations. Therefore, we add a self-verification stage to analyze the semantics of distinguished activation patterns, which improves the CNN recognition process. We apply such a detection methodology into both image and audio CNN recognition scenarios. Experiments show that DoPa can achieve an average rate of 90% success for image attack detection and 92% success for audio attack detection. Announcement:[The original DoPa draft on arXiv was modified and submitted to a conference already, while this short abstract was submitted only for a presentation at the KDD 2019 AIoT Workshop.]

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