Emergent Mind

Integer Discrete Flows and Lossless Compression

Published May 17, 2019 in cs.LG , cs.CV , and stat.ML


Lossless compression methods shorten the expected representation size of data without loss of information, using a statistical model. Flow-based models are attractive in this setting because they admit exact likelihood optimization, which is equivalent to minimizing the expected number of bits per message. However, conventional flows assume continuous data, which may lead to reconstruction errors when quantized for compression. For that reason, we introduce a flow-based generative model for ordinal discrete data called Integer Discrete Flow (IDF): a bijective integer map that can learn rich transformations on high-dimensional data. As building blocks for IDFs, we introduce a flexible transformation layer called integer discrete coupling. Our experiments show that IDFs are competitive with other flow-based generative models. Furthermore, we demonstrate that IDF based compression achieves state-of-the-art lossless compression rates on CIFAR10, ImageNet32, and ImageNet64. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first lossless compression method that uses invertible neural networks.

Process of IDF-based lossless image compression and reconstruction via latent representation and entropy encoding.


  • The paper introduces Integer Discrete Flows (IDFs), a novel class of flow-based generative models for ordinal discrete data, aimed at achieving lossless compression by using bijective integer mappings.

  • The research demonstrates that IDFs outperform traditional compression methods and competing models on various datasets, including CIFAR10, ImageNet32, and ImageNet64, by employing integer discrete coupling layers and leveraging neural networks integrated with entropy coding mechanisms.

  • The implications of the study are substantial, offering potential advancements in statistical modeling, real-world applications in data-sensitive domains, and paving the way for future research in AI-driven data compression and other precise data transformation areas.

Integer Discrete Flows and Lossless Compression: A Professional Summary

The research paper titled "Integer Discrete Flows and Lossless Compression" by Emiel Hoogeboom, Jorn W.T. Peters, Rianne van den Berg, and Max Welling focuses on a sophisticated approach to lossless data compression using flow-based generative models tailored for ordinal discrete data. This essay provides a detailed overview of the paper's key contributions, experimental results, and potential implications in the field of AI-driven data compression.

Key Contributions and Methods

The paper presents Integer Discrete Flows (IDFs), a novel class of flow-based generative models specifically designed for ordinal discrete data, such as images, videos, and audio files. Traditional flow-based models typically assume continuous data distributions, which necessitate quantization for compression purposes, often leading to reconstruction errors. IDFs address this limitation by employing bijective integer mappings, thereby facilitating lossless compression.

Main Contributions:

  1. Introduction of IDF: IDFs are introduced as bijective transformations specifically designed for discrete data. They circumvent the errors introduced by quantization in continuous models, maintaining the integrity of the original data.

  2. Integer Discrete Coupling: The paper proposes integer discrete coupling layers as the foundational building blocks for IDFs. These layers allow for the flexible, invertible transformation of discrete data by combining additive conditions and rounding operations.

  3. Neural Network-Based Compression: The authors integrate IDFs with powerful neural networks to develop a robust lossless compression technique. The integration leverages entropy coding mechanisms, specifically the stream coder rANS, to achieve near-optimal compression rates.

  4. State-of-the-Art Performance: Through extensive experiments, IDFs demonstrate superior performance in lossless compression across standard datasets, including CIFAR10, ImageNet32, and ImageNet64.

Numerical Results

The experimental evaluation presents compelling evidence of IDF's efficacy:

  • CIFAR10: IDFs achieved a compression rate of 3.34 bits per dimension, surpassing Bit-Swap's 3.82 and substantially outperforming traditional methods like FLIF and JPEG2000.

  • ImageNet32 and ImageNet64: On these datasets, IDFs maintained state-of-the-art compression rates of 4.18 and 3.90 bits per dimension, respectively, further validating its generalizability and efficiency over diverse datasets.

Implications and Future Directions

The theoretical and practical contributions of this paper have significant implications for the future of AI-driven data compression. By ensuring error-free reconstruction with bijective mappings, IDFs set a new benchmark for lossless compression methods within the machine learning community.

Theoretical Implications:

  • Advanced Statistical Modeling: The introduction of bijective integer maps enhances the capacity for modeling complex discrete distributions, offering a promising direction for future research in statistical modeling and generative inversions.

  • Optimized Likelihood Maximization: IDFs' ability to optimize exact log-likelihood without the need for quantization could influence future innovations in deep generative models, potentially extending beyond compression to other areas requiring precise data transformations.

Practical Implications:

  • Real-World Application: IDFs offer practical benefits in domains such as medical imaging, astronomy, and archiving, where the integrity of data is paramount. The impressive performance of IDFs on the ER + BCa histology dataset exemplifies its applicability to specialized fields.

  • Efficiency in Transmission and Storage: The integration of IDFs with efficient entropy encoders like rANS underscores its potential for large-scale data infrastructure. This development could lead to more efficient transmission and storage solutions in various industries, including cloud storage services and data-sensitive applications.

Speculation on Future Developments

The promising results and capabilities of IDFs suggest several avenues for future developments:

  • Extension to Multi-Modal Data: Expanding IDFs to handle multi-modal data types, such as text and complex audio-visual streams, could broaden its applicability, offering comprehensive solutions in multimedia compression.

  • Enhanced Computational Efficiency: Further optimization of the neural network architectures involved in IDFs could reduce computational overhead, making real-time lossless compression more feasible for applications like streaming services and live data feeds.

  • Integration with Emerging Technologies: Potential integration with edge computing and IoT devices, where efficient data transmission and storage are critical, presents an exciting frontier for deploying IDF-based solutions in pervasive environments.


"Integer Discrete Flows and Lossless Compression" pioneers a transformative approach in the realm of data compression, leveraging the power of neural networks and bijective mappings to achieve unprecedented levels of efficiency and integrity. The robust methodological framework and state-of-the-art results underscore the significance of this work, paving the way for future innovations in AI-driven data processing and compression technologies.

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