Emergent Mind

Disparity-Augmented Trajectories for Human Activity Recognition

Published May 14, 2019 in cs.CV


Numerous methods for human activity recognition have been proposed in the past two decades. Many of these methods are based on sparse representation, which describes the whole video content by a set of local features. Trajectories, being mid-level sparse features, are capable of describing the motion of an interest-point in 2D space. 2D trajectories might be affected by viewpoint changes, potentially decreasing their accuracy. In this paper, we initially propose and compare different 2D trajectory-based algorithms for human activity recognition. Moreover, we propose a new way of fusing disparity information with 2D trajectory information, without the calculation of 3D reconstruction. The obtained results show a 2.76\% improvement when using disparity-augmented trajectories, compared to using the classical 2D trajectory information only. Furthermore, we have also tested our method on the challenging Hollywood 3D dataset, and we have obtained competitive results, at a faster speed.

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