Emergent Mind

Delay Parameter Selection in Permutation Entropy Using Topological Data Analysis

Published May 10, 2019 in physics.data-an , cs.CG , cs.IT , math.IT , and nlin.CD


Permutation Entropy (PE) is a powerful tool for quantifying the complexity of a signal which includes measuring the regularity of a time series. Additionally, outside of entropy and information theory, permutations have recently been leveraged as a graph representation, which opens the door for graph theory tools and analysis. Despite the successful application of permutations in a variety of scientific domains, permutations require a judicious choice of the delay parameter $\tau$ and dimension $n$. However, $n$ is typically selected between $4$ and $8$ with $5$ or $6$ giving optimal results for the majority of systems. Therefore, in this work, we focus on choosing the delay parameter while giving some general guidance on the appropriate selection of $n$ based on a statistical analysis of the permutation distribution. Selecting $\tau$ is often accomplished using trial and error guided by the expertise of domain scientists. However, in this paper, we show how persistent homology, a commonly used tool from Topological Data Analysis (TDA), provides methods for the automatic selection of $\tau$. We evaluate the successful identification of a suitable $\tau$ from our TDA-based approach by comparing our results to both expert-suggested parameters from published literature and optimized parameters (if possible) for a wide variety of dynamical systems.

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