Emergent Mind


In order perform a large variety of tasks and to achieve human-level performance in complex real-world environments, AI Agents must be able to learn from their past experiences and gain both knowledge and an accurate representation of their environment from raw sensory inputs. Traditionally, AI agents have suffered from difficulties in using only sensory inputs to obtain a good representation of their environment and then mapping this representation to an efficient control policy. Deep reinforcement learning algorithms have provided a solution to this issue. In this study, the performance of different conventional and novel deep reinforcement learning algorithms was analysed. The proposed method utilises two types of algorithms, one trained with a variant of Q-learning (DQN) and another trained with SARSA learning (DSN) to assess the feasibility of using direct feedback alignment, a novel biologically plausible method for back-propagating the error. These novel agents, alongside two similar agents trained with the conventional backpropagation algorithm, were tested by using the OpenAI Gym toolkit on several classic control theory problems and Atari 2600 video games. The results of this investigation open the way into new, biologically-inspired deep reinforcement learning algorithms, and their implementation on neuromorphic hardware.

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