Emergent Mind

Noncommutative versions of inequalities in quantum information theory

Published May 2, 2019 in math.OA , cs.IT , math.FA , and math.IT


In this paper, we aim to replace in the definitions of covariance and correlation the usual trace {\rm Tr} by a tracial positive map between unital $C*$-algebras and to replace the functions $x{\alpha}$ and $x{1-\alpha}$ by functions $f$ and $g$ satisfying some mild conditions. These allow us to define the generalized covariance, the generalized variance, the generalized correlation and the generalized Wigner--Yanase--Dyson skew information related to the tracial positive maps and functions $f$ and $g$. We persent a generalization of Heisenberg's uncertainty relation in the noncommutative framework. We extend some inequalities and properties for the generalized correlation and the generalized Wigner--Yanase--Dyson skew information. Furthermore, we extend some inequalities for the generalized skew information such as uncertainty relation and the relation between the generalized variance and the generalized skew information.

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