Emergent Mind

Toward Extremely Low Bit and Lossless Accuracy in DNNs with Progressive ADMM

Published May 2, 2019 in cs.LG , cs.CV , and stat.ML


Weight quantization is one of the most important techniques of Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) model compression method. A recent work using systematic framework of DNN weight quantization with the advanced optimization algorithm ADMM (Alternating Direction Methods of Multipliers) achieves one of state-of-art results in weight quantization. In this work, we first extend such ADMM-based framework to guarantee solution feasibility and we have further developed a multi-step, progressive DNN weight quantization framework, with dual benefits of (i) achieving further weight quantization thanks to the special property of ADMM regularization, and (ii) reducing the search space within each step. Extensive experimental results demonstrate the superior performance compared with prior work. Some highlights: we derive the first lossless and fully binarized (for all layers) LeNet-5 for MNIST; And we derive the first fully binarized (for all layers) VGG-16 for CIFAR-10 and ResNet for ImageNet with reasonable accuracy loss.

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