Emergent Mind

Indoor dense depth map at drone hovering

Published Apr 25, 2019 in cs.CV


Autonomous Micro Aerial Vehicles (MAVs) gained tremendous attention in recent years. Autonomous flight in indoor requires a dense depth map for navigable space detection which is the fundamental component for autonomous navigation. In this paper, we address the problem of reconstructing dense depth while a drone is hovering (small camera motion) in indoor scenes using already estimated cameras and sparse point cloud obtained from a vSLAM. We start by segmenting the scene based on sudden depth variation using sparse 3D points and introduce a patch-based local plane fitting via energy minimization which combines photometric consistency and co-planarity with neighbouring patches. The method also combines a plane sweep technique for image segments having almost no sparse point for initialization. Experiments show, the proposed method produces better depth for indoor in artificial lighting condition, low-textured environment compared to earlier literature in small motion.

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