Emergent Mind

Understanding the Behaviors of BERT in Ranking

Published Apr 16, 2019 in cs.IR and cs.CL


This paper studies the performances and behaviors of BERT in ranking tasks. We explore several different ways to leverage the pre-trained BERT and fine-tune it on two ranking tasks: MS MARCO passage reranking and TREC Web Track ad hoc document ranking. Experimental results on MS MARCO demonstrate the strong effectiveness of BERT in question-answering focused passage ranking tasks, as well as the fact that BERT is a strong interaction-based seq2seq matching model. Experimental results on TREC show the gaps between the BERT pre-trained on surrounding contexts and the needs of ad hoc document ranking. Analyses illustrate how BERT allocates its attentions between query-document tokens in its Transformer layers, how it prefers semantic matches between paraphrase tokens, and how that differs with the soft match patterns learned by a click-trained neural ranker.

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