Emergent Mind

Resource-Guided Program Synthesis

Published Apr 16, 2019 in cs.PL and cs.LO


This article presents resource-guided synthesis, a technique for synthesizing recursive programs that satisfy both a functional specification and a symbolic resource bound. The technique is type-directed and rests upon a novel type system that combines polymorphic refinement types with potential annotations of automatic amortized resource analysis. The type system enables efficient constraint-based type checking and can express precise refinement-based resource bounds. The proof of type soundness shows that synthesized programs are correct by construction. By tightly integrating program exploration and type checking, the synthesizer can leverage the user-provided resource bound to guide the search, eagerly rejecting incomplete programs that consume too many resources. An implementation in the resource-guided synthesizer ReSyn is used to evaluate the technique on a range of recursive data structure manipulations. The experiments show that ReSyn synthesizes programs that are asymptotically more efficient than those generated by a resource-agnostic synthesizer. Moreover, synthesis with ReSyn is faster than a naive combination of synthesis and resource analysis. ReSyn is also able to generate implementations that have a constant resource consumption for fixed input sizes, which can be used to mitigate side-channel attacks.

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