Emergent Mind

Community Detection in Social Network using Temporal Data

Published Apr 10, 2019 in cs.SI and physics.soc-ph


Social networks facilitate the social space where actors or the users have ties among them. The ties and their patterns are based on their life styles and communication. Similarly, in online social media networks like Facebook, Twitter, Myspace etc., multiple users belong to multiple specific communities. The social network represents large real-world directed social graphs. Detection of communities or clusters from these graphs is a problem of considerable research interest. The communities are formed using the neighboring nodes that have common edges and common attributes. Most of the existing community detection algorithms usually consider node contents to analyze the attributes of community. Some algorithms use the links between the nodes to determine the dense regions in the graph. But utilizing both the edge content and the vertex content to detect community are yet to be considered and verified, since the traditional extraction methods of vertex and edge data do not consider the connectivity among the nodes. This paper presents an Interlinked Spatial Clustering Model (ILSCM) which provides relevant content selection and extraction of the temporal topics for identifying the betweenness among the nodes based on the context keys to detect community.

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