Emergent Mind


Our main results are in the following three sections: 1. We prove new relations between proof complexity conjectures that are discussed in \cite{pu18}. 2. We investigate the existence of p-optimal proof systems for $\mathsf{TAUT}$, assuming the collapse of $\cal C$ and $\sf N{\cal C}$ (the nondeterministic version of $\cal C$) for some new classes $\cal C$ and also prove new conditional independence results for strong theories, assuming nonexistence of p-optimal proof systems. 3. We construct two new oracles ${\cal V}$ and ${\cal W}$. These two oracles imply several new separations of proof complexity conjectures in relativized worlds. Among them, we prove that existence of a p-optimal proof system for $\mathsf{TAUT}$ and existence of a complete problem for $\mathsf{TFNP}$ are independent of each other in relativized worlds which was not known before.

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