Emergent Mind

Simplified inpproximability of hypergraph coloring via t-agreeing families

Published Apr 2, 2019 in cs.CC , cs.DM , and math.CO


We reprove the results on the hardness of approximating hypergraph coloring using a different technique based on bounds on the size of extremal $t$-agreeing families of $[q]n$. Specifically, using theorems of Frankl-Tokushige [FT99], Ahlswede-Khachatrian [AK98] and Frankl [F76] on the size of such families, we give simple and unified proofs of quasi NP-hardness of the following problems: $\bullet$ coloring a $3$ colorable $4$-uniform hypergraph with $(\log n)\delta$ many colors $\bullet$ coloring a $3$ colorable $3$-uniform hypergraph with $\tilde{O}(\sqrt{\log \log n})$ many colors $\bullet$ coloring a $2$ colorable $6$-uniform hypergraph with $(\log n)\delta$ many colors $\bullet$ coloring a $2$ colorable $4$-uniform hypergraph with $\tilde{O}(\sqrt{\log \log n})$ many colors where $n$ is the number of vertices of the hypergraph and $\delta>0$ is a universal constant.

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