Emergent Mind

Robot-Supervised Learning for Object Segmentation

Published Apr 1, 2019 in cs.RO


To be effective in unstructured and changing environments, robots must learn to recognize new objects. Deep learning has enabled rapid progress for object detection and segmentation in computer vision; however, this progress comes at the price of human annotators labeling many training examples. This paper addresses the problem of extending learning-based segmentation methods to robotics applications where annotated training data is not available. Our method enables pixelwise segmentation of grasped objects. We factor the problem of segmenting the object from the background into two sub-problems: (1) segmenting the robot manipulator and object from the background and (2) segmenting the object from the manipulator. We propose a kinematics-based foreground segmentation technique to solve (1). To solve (2), we train a self-recognition network that segments the robot manipulator. We train this network without human supervision, leveraging our foreground segmentation technique from (1) to label a training set of images containing the robot manipulator without a grasped object. We demonstrate experimentally that our method outperforms state-of-the-art adaptable in-hand object segmentation. We also show that a training set composed of automatically labelled images of grasped objects improves segmentation performance on a test set of images of the same objects in the environment.

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