Emergent Mind

Structural Neural Encoders for AMR-to-text Generation

Published Mar 27, 2019 in cs.CL


AMR-to-text generation is a problem recently introduced to the NLP community, in which the goal is to generate sentences from Abstract Meaning Representation (AMR) graphs. Sequence-to-sequence models can be used to this end by converting the AMR graphs to strings. Approaching the problem while working directly with graphs requires the use of graph-to-sequence models that encode the AMR graph into a vector representation. Such encoding has been shown to be beneficial in the past, and unlike sequential encoding, it allows us to explicitly capture reentrant structures in the AMR graphs. We investigate the extent to which reentrancies (nodes with multiple parents) have an impact on AMR-to-text generation by comparing graph encoders to tree encoders, where reentrancies are not preserved. We show that improvements in the treatment of reentrancies and long-range dependencies contribute to higher overall scores for graph encoders. Our best model achieves 24.40 BLEU on LDC2015E86, outperforming the state of the art by 1.1 points and 24.54 BLEU on LDC2017T10, outperforming the state of the art by 1.24 points.

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