Emergent Mind

Next Steps in Quantum Computing: Computer Science's Role

Published Mar 25, 2019 in cs.ET and quant-ph


The computing ecosystem has always had deep impacts on society and technology and profoundly changed our lives in myriads of ways. Despite decades of impressive Moore's Law performance scaling and other growth in the computing ecosystem there are nonetheless still important potential applications of computing that remain out of reach of current or foreseeable conventional computer systems. Specifically, there are computational applications whose complexity scales super-linearly, even exponentially, with the size of their input data such that the computation time or memory requirements for these problems become intractably large to solve for useful data input sizes. Such problems can have memory requirements that exceed what can be built on the most powerful supercomputers, and/or runtimes on the order of tens of years or more. Quantum computing (QC) is viewed by many as a possible future option for tackling these high-complexity or seemingly-intractable problems by complementing classical computing with a fundamentally different compute paradigm. There is a huge gap between the problems for which a quantum computer might be useful and what we can currently build, program, and run. The goal of the QC research community is to close the gap such that useful algorithms can be run in practical amounts of time on reliable real-world QC hardware. In particular, the goal of this Computing Community Consortium (CCC) workshop was to articulate the central role that the computer science (CS) research communities plays in closing this gap. CS researchers bring invaluable expertise in the design of programming languages, in techniques for systems building, scalability and verification, and in architectural approaches that can bring practical QC from the future to the present. This report introduces issues and recommendations across a range of technical and non-technical topic areas.

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