Emergent Mind

Superpixel Contracted Graph-Based Learning for Hyperspectral Image Classification

Published Mar 14, 2019 in cs.CV , cs.LG , and stat.ML


A central problem in hyperspectral image classification is obtaining high classification accuracy when using a limited amount of labelled data. In this paper we present a novel graph-based framework, which aims to tackle this problem in the presence of large scale data input. Our approach utilises a novel superpixel method, specifically designed for hyperspectral data, to define meaningful local regions in an image, which with high probability share the same classification label. We then extract spectral and spatial features from these regions and use these to produce a contracted weighted graph-representation, where each node represents a region rather than a pixel. Our graph is then fed into a graph-based semi-supervised classifier which gives the final classification. We show that using superpixels in a graph representation is an effective tool for speeding up graphical classifiers applied to hyperspectral images. We demonstrate through exhaustive quantitative and qualitative results that our proposed method produces accurate classifications when an incredibly small amount of labelled data is used. We show that our approach mitigates the major drawbacks of existing approaches, resulting in our approach outperforming several comparative state-of-the-art techniques.

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