Emergent Mind

Inefficiency of K-FAC for Large Batch Size Training

Published Mar 14, 2019 in cs.LG and stat.ML


In stochastic optimization, using large batch sizes during training can leverage parallel resources to produce faster wall-clock training times per training epoch. However, for both training loss and testing error, recent results analyzing large batch Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) have found sharp diminishing returns, beyond a certain critical batch size. In the hopes of addressing this, it has been suggested that the Kronecker-Factored Approximate Curvature (\mbox{K-FAC}) method allows for greater scalability to large batch sizes, for non-convex machine learning problems such as neural network optimization, as well as greater robustness to variation in model hyperparameters. Here, we perform a detailed empirical analysis of large batch size training %of these two hypotheses, for both \mbox{K-FAC} and SGD, evaluating performance in terms of both wall-clock time and aggregate computational cost. Our main results are twofold: first, we find that both \mbox{K-FAC} and SGD doesn't have ideal scalability behavior beyond a certain batch size, and that \mbox{K-FAC} does not exhibit improved large-batch scalability behavior, as compared to SGD; and second, we find that \mbox{K-FAC}, in addition to requiring more hyperparameters to tune, suffers from similar hyperparameter sensitivity behavior as does SGD. We discuss extensive results using ResNet and AlexNet on \mbox{CIFAR-10} and SVHN, respectively, as well as more general implications of our findings.

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