Emergent Mind

A Random Walk based Trust Ranking in Distributed Systems

Published Mar 14, 2019 in cs.DC


Honest cooperation among individuals in a network can be achieved in different ways. In online networks with some kind of central authority, such as Ebay, Airbnb, etc. honesty is achieved through a reputation system, which is maintained and secured by the central authority. These systems usually rely on review mechanisms, through which agents can evaluate the trustworthiness of their interaction partners. These reviews are stored centrally and are tamper-proof. In decentralized peer-to-peer networks, enforcing cooperation turns out to be more difficult. One way of approaching this problem is by observing cooperative biological communities in nature. One finds that cooperation among biological organisms is achieved through a mechanism called indirect reciprocity. This mechanism for cooperation relies on some shared notion of trust. In this work we aim to facilitate communal cooperation in a peer-to-peer file sharing network called Tribler, by introducing a mechanism for evaluating the trustworthiness of agents. We determine a trust ranking of all nodes in the network based on the Monte Carlo algorithm estimating the values of Google's personalized PageRank vector. We go on to evaluate the algorithm's resistance to Sybil attacks, whereby our aim is for sybils to be assigned low trust scores.

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