Emergent Mind

Hyperspectral Data Augmentation

Published Mar 13, 2019 in cs.CV


Data augmentation is a popular technique which helps improve generalization capabilities of deep neural networks. It plays a pivotal role in remote-sensing scenarios in which the amount of high-quality ground truth data is limited, and acquiring new examples is costly or impossible. This is a common problem in hyperspectral imaging, where manual annotation of image data is difficult, expensive, and prone to human bias. In this letter, we propose online data augmentation of hyperspectral data which is executed during the inference rather than before the training of deep networks. This is in contrast to all other state-of-the-art hyperspectral augmentation algorithms which increase the size (and representativeness) of training sets. Additionally, we introduce a new principal component analysis based augmentation. The experiments revealed that our data augmentation algorithms improve generalization of deep networks, work in real-time, and the online approach can be effectively combined with offline techniques to enhance the classification accuracy.

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