Emergent Mind

Optimality of Maximum Likelihood for Log-Concave Density Estimation and Bounded Convex Regression

Published Mar 13, 2019 in math.ST , cs.LG , and stat.TH


In this paper, we study two problems: (1) estimation of a $d$-dimensional log-concave distribution and (2) bounded multivariate convex regression with random design with an underlying log-concave density or a compactly supported distribution with a continuous density. First, we show that for all $d \ge 4$ the maximum likelihood estimators of both problems achieve an optimal risk of $\Thetad(n{-2/(d+1)})$ (up to a logarithmic factor) in terms of squared Hellinger distance and $L2$ squared distance, respectively. Previously, the optimality of both these estimators was known only for $d\le 3$. We also prove that the $\epsilon$-entropy numbers of the two aforementioned families are equal up to logarithmic factors. We complement these results by proving a sharp bound $\Theta_d(n{-2/(d+4)})$ on the minimax rate (up to logarithmic factors) with respect to the total variation distance. Finally, we prove that estimating a log-concave density - even a uniform distribution on a convex set - up to a fixed accuracy requires the number of samples \emph{at least} exponential in the dimension. We do that by improving the dimensional constant in the best known lower bound for the minimax rate from $2{-d}\cdot n{-2/(d+1)}$ to $c\cdot n{-2/(d+1)}$ (when $d\geq 2$).

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