Emergent Mind


Text classification plays a vital role today especially with the intensive use of social networking media. Recently, different architectures of convolutional neural networks have been used for text classification in which one-hot vector, and word embedding methods are commonly used. This paper presents a new language independent word encoding method for text classification. The proposed model converts raw text data to low-level feature dimension with minimal or no preprocessing steps by using a new approach called binary unique number of word "BUNOW". BUNOW allows each unique word to have an integer ID in a dictionary that is represented as a k-dimensional vector of its binary equivalent. The output vector of this encoding is fed into a convolutional neural network (CNN) model for classification. Moreover, the proposed model reduces the neural network parameters, allows faster computation with few network layers, where a word is atomic representation the document as in word level, and decrease memory consumption for character level representation. The provided CNN model is able to work with other languages or multi-lingual text without the need for any changes in the encoding method. The model outperforms the character level and very deep character level CNNs models in terms of accuracy, network parameters, and memory consumption; the results show total classification accuracy 91.99% and error 8.01% using AG's News dataset compared to the state of art methods that have total classification accuracy 91.45% and error 8.55%, in addition to the reduction in input feature vector and neural network parameters by 62% and 34%, respectively.

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