Emergent Mind


Multiple kernel learning (MKL) algorithms combine different base kernels to obtain a more efficient representation in the feature space. Focusing on discriminative tasks, MKL has been used successfully for feature selection and finding the significant modalities of the data. In such applications, each base kernel represents one dimension of the data or is derived from one specific descriptor. Therefore, MKL finds an optimal weighting scheme for the given kernels to increase the classification accuracy. Nevertheless, the majority of the works in this area focus on only binary classification problems or aim for linear separation of the classes in the kernel space, which are not realistic assumptions for many real-world problems. In this paper, we propose a novel multi-class MKL framework which improves the state-of-the-art by enhancing the local separation of the classes in the feature space. Besides, by using a sparsity term, our large-margin multiple kernel algorithm (LMMK) performs discriminative feature selection by aiming to employ a small subset of the base kernels. Based on our empirical evaluations on different real-world datasets, LMMK provides a competitive classification accuracy compared with the state-of-the-art algorithms in MKL. Additionally, it learns a sparse set of non-zero kernel weights which leads to a more interpretable feature selection and representation learning.

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