Emergent Mind


The limited energy capacity of individual robotic agents in a swarm often limits the possible cooperative tasks they can perform. In this work, we investigate the problem of covering an unknown connected grid environment (e.g. a maze or connected corridors) with a robotic swarm so as to minimize the maximal number of steps that each member of the swarm makes and their activity time before their work is finished, thereby minimizing the energy requirements. The robots are autonomous, anonymous and identical, with local sensors and finite memory, and possess no communication capabilities. They are assumed to disperse over time from a fixed location, and to move synchronously. The robots are tasked with occupying every cell of the environment, while avoiding collisions. In the literature such topics are known as \textit{uniform dispersal problems}. The goal of minimizing the number of steps traveled by the robots has previously been studied in this context. Our contribution is a local robotic strategy for simply connected grid environments that, by exploiting their topology, achieves optimal makespan (the amount of time it takes to cover the environment) and minimizes the maximal number of steps taken by the individual robots before their deactivation. The robots succeed in discovering optimal paths to their eventual destinations, and finish the covering process in $2V-1$ time steps, where $V$ is the number of cells in the environment.

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