Emergent Mind


In this paper, we propose a characterization of chordal bipartite graphs and an efficient enumeration algorithm for chordal bipartite induced subgraphs. A chordal bipartite graph is a bipartite graph without induced cycles with length six or more. It is known that the incident graph of a hypergraph is chordal bipartite graph if and only if the hypergraph is $\beta$-acyclic. As the main result of our paper, we show that a graph $G$ is chordal bipartite if and only if there is a special vertex elimination ordering for $G$, called CBEO. Moreover, we propose an algorithm ECB which enumerates all chordal bipartite induced subgraphs in $O(kt\Delta2)$ time per solution on average, where $k$ is the degeneracy, $t$ is the maximum size of $K_{t,t}$ as an induced subgraph, and $\Delta$ is the degree. ECB achieves constant amortized time enumeration for bounded degree graphs.

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