Emergent Mind

On Robustness of Principal Component Regression

Published Feb 28, 2019 in cs.LG and stat.ML


Principal component regression (PCR) is a simple, but powerful and ubiquitously utilized method. Its effectiveness is well established when the covariates exhibit low-rank structure. However, its ability to handle settings with noisy, missing, and mixed-valued, i.e., discrete and continuous, covariates is not understood and remains an important open challenge. As the main contribution of this work we establish the robustness of PCR, without any change, in this respect and provide meaningful finite-sample analysis. To do so, we establish that PCR is equivalent to performing linear regression after pre-processing the covariate matrix via hard singular value thresholding (HSVT). As a result, in the context of counterfactual analysis using observational data, we show PCR is equivalent to the recently proposed robust variant of the synthetic control method, known as robust synthetic control (RSC). As an immediate consequence, we obtain finite-sample analysis of the RSC estimator that was previously absent. As an important contribution to the synthetic controls literature, we establish that an (approximate) linear synthetic control exists in the setting of a generalized factor model or latent variable model; traditionally in the literature, the existence of a synthetic control needs to be assumed to exist as an axiom. We further discuss a surprising implication of the robustness property of PCR with respect to noise, i.e., PCR can learn a good predictive model even if the covariates are tactfully transformed to preserve differential privacy. Finally, this work advances the state-of-the-art analysis for HSVT by establishing stronger guarantees with respect to the $\ell_{2, \infty}$-norm rather than the Frobenius norm as is commonly done in the matrix estimation literature, which may be of interest in its own right.

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