Emergent Mind

Diagnosing Bottlenecks in Deep Q-learning Algorithms

Published Feb 26, 2019 in cs.LG and stat.ML


Q-learning methods represent a commonly used class of algorithms in reinforcement learning: they are generally efficient and simple, and can be combined readily with function approximators for deep reinforcement learning (RL). However, the behavior of Q-learning methods with function approximation is poorly understood, both theoretically and empirically. In this work, we aim to experimentally investigate potential issues in Q-learning, by means of a "unit testing" framework where we can utilize oracles to disentangle sources of error. Specifically, we investigate questions related to function approximation, sampling error and nonstationarity, and where available, verify if trends found in oracle settings hold true with modern deep RL methods. We find that large neural network architectures have many benefits with regards to learning stability; offer several practical compensations for overfitting; and develop a novel sampling method based on explicitly compensating for function approximation error that yields fair improvement on high-dimensional continuous control domains.

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