Emergent Mind

Attention is not Explanation

Published Feb 26, 2019 in cs.CL and cs.AI


Attention mechanisms have seen wide adoption in neural NLP models. In addition to improving predictive performance, these are often touted as affording transparency: models equipped with attention provide a distribution over attended-to input units, and this is often presented (at least implicitly) as communicating the relative importance of inputs. However, it is unclear what relationship exists between attention weights and model outputs. In this work, we perform extensive experiments across a variety of NLP tasks that aim to assess the degree to which attention weights provide meaningful `explanations' for predictions. We find that they largely do not. For example, learned attention weights are frequently uncorrelated with gradient-based measures of feature importance, and one can identify very different attention distributions that nonetheless yield equivalent predictions. Our findings show that standard attention modules do not provide meaningful explanations and should not be treated as though they do. Code for all experiments is available at https://github.com/successar/AttentionExplanation.

Attention weights on a negative movie review; different weights yield the same prediction (0.01).


  • The paper investigates the belief that attention mechanisms in NLP models offer clear insights into model decisions, finding that this assumption may not hold true.

  • The study reveals that attention weights often do not correlate strongly with feature importance measures and that various attention distributions can lead to the same model outputs.

  • The research suggests caution in using attention weights for model interpretation and calls for new methods to provide genuinely transparent model explanations.

Decoding Attention Mechanisms: What's Really Going On?

Introduction to Attention in NLP Models

Attention mechanisms have become a go-to component in modern NLP architecture. These mechanisms help models focus on different parts of the input data, supposedly offering insights into how the models make decisions. Imagine looking at a heatmap over a sentence and thinking that the highlighted words are the ones driving the model’s conclusion. This paper dives into whether that belief holds water.

Key Findings: Do Attention Weights Really Explain Model Decisions?

This research digs deep into the connection between attention weights and model outputs across various NLP tasks such as text classification, question answering (QA), and natural language inference (NLI). The bottom line? Attention mechanisms, as they're commonly used, might not be as transparent as we thought.

  1. Correlation with Feature Importance:

    • Gradient-based Measures: The study looked at whether attention weights correlate with gradient-based feature importance measures. The results? Not so much. The correlation was generally weak in models using BiLSTM encoders.
    • Leave-One-Out Measures: Similarly, attention weights didn’t show strong correlations with leave-one-out (LOO) measures, another method of judging feature importance by observing the change in model output when each feature is removed.
  2. Counterfactual Attention Distributions:

    • Random Permutations: Shuffling attention weights often resulted in minimal changes to the model's predictions, even when the original attention distribution had high peaks. This suggests that many different configurations of attention weights could lead to the same output.
    • Adversarial Attention: The researchers also created attention distributions significantly different from the original but yielded the same predictions. This reinforces the idea that the specific attention weights we see may not uniquely explain a model’s decision.

Practical and Theoretical Implications

Practical Implications

  • Interpretable AI: If you’re using attention weights to justify why a model made a particular decision, this research suggests you should be cautious. Heatmaps showing attention might be more of a facade than a true explanation.
  • Model Debugging: Relying on attention mechanisms to debug models might not be effective. If different attention configurations lead to the same output, then perhaps other methods are needed to understand model failures or biases.

Theoretical Implications

  • Model Transparency: The paper challenges the narrative that attention weights inherently offer transparency. This sets the stage for reevaluating how we interpret the role of attention in neural networks.
  • Future Research: With the current study casting doubt on the explanatory power of attention, there’s a clear need for new or improved mechanisms that can genuinely highlight the rationale behind model decisions.

Speculating on Future Developments

  • Advanced Attention Mechanisms: Researchers might develop more sophisticated attention models that explicitly encourage sparse and interpretable attention distributions.
  • Human-in-the-Loop Systems: Integrating human feedback directly into the training loop could help calibrate models to provide more meaningful explanations.
  • Combination Approaches: Using a hybrid of attention-based and other interpretability strategies (like feature importance via gradients) might yield more trustworthy explanations.


While attention mechanisms have undeniably improved predictive performance in NLP tasks, their reputation as tools for model transparency doesn't hold up under scrutiny in many cases. The findings suggest that the relationship between attention weights and model decisions is not as straightforward as previously thought. This paints a more nuanced picture of how we should use and interpret attention in neural networks, prompting further research into developing truly interpretable model explanations.

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