Emergent Mind


This work designs a mechanical tool for robots with 2-finger parallel grippers, which extends the function of the robotic gripper without additional requirements on tool exchangers or other actuators. The fundamental kinematic structure of the mechanical tool is two symmetric parallelograms which transmit the motion of the robotic gripper to the mechanical tool. Four torsion springs are attached to the four inner joints of the two parallelograms to open the tool as the robotic gripper releases. The forces and transmission are analyzed in detail to make sure the tool reacts well with respect to the gripping forces and the spring stiffness. Also, based on the kinematic structure, variety tooltips were designed for the mechanical tool to perform various tasks. The kinematic structure can be a platform to apply various skillful gripper designs. The designed tool could be treated as a normal object and be picked up and used by automatically planned grasps. A robot may locate the tool through the AR markers attached to the tool body, grasp the tool by selecting an automatically planned grasp, and move the tool from any arbitrary pose to a specific pose to grip objects. The robot may also determine the optimal grasps and usage according to the requirements of given tasks.

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