Emergent Mind

With Great Speed Come Small Buffers: Space-Bandwidth Tradeoffs for Routing

Published Feb 21, 2019 in cs.DS and cs.DC


We consider the Adversarial Queuing Theory (AQT) model, where packet arrivals are subject to a maximum average rate $0\le\rho\le1$ and burstiness $\sigma\ge0$. In this model, we analyze the size of buffers required to avoid overflows in the basic case of a path. Our main results characterize the space required by the average rate and the number of distinct destinations: we show that $O(k d{1/k})$ space suffice, where $d$ is the number of distinct destinations and $k=\lfloor 1/\rho \rfloor$; and we show that $\Omega(\frac 1 k d{1/k})$ space is necessary. For directed trees, we describe an algorithm whose buffer space requirement is at most $1 + d' + \sigma$ where $d'$ is the maximum number of destinations on any root-leaf path.

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