Emergent Mind


A robust power scheduling algorithm is proposed to schedule power flow between the main electricity grid and a microgird with solar energy generation and battery energy storage subject to uncertainty in solar energy production. To avoid over-conservatism in power scheduling while guaranteeing robustness against uncertainties, time-varying "soft" constraints on the State of Charge (SoC) of the battery are proposed. These soft constraints allow SoC limit violation at steps far from the current step but aim to minimize such violations in a controlled manner. The model predictive formulation of the problem over a receding time horizon ensures that the resulting solution eventually conforms to the hard SoC limits of the system at every step. The optimization problem for each step is formulated as a quadratic programming problem that is solved iteratively to find the soft constraints that are closest to the hard ones and still yield a feasible solution. Optimization results demonstrate the effectiveness of the approach.

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