Emergent Mind

Find Subtrees of Specified Weight and Cycles of Specified Length in Linear Time

Published Feb 18, 2019 in math.CO and cs.DM


We apply the Euler tour technique to find subtrees of specified weight as follows. Let $k, g, N1, N2 \in \mathbb{N}$ such that $1 \leq k \leq N2$, $g + h > 2$ and $2k - 4g - h + 3 \leq N2 \leq 2k + g + h - 2$, where $h := 2N1 - N2$. Let $T$ be a tree of $N1$ vertices and let $c : V(T) \rightarrow \mathbb{N}$ be vertex weights such that $c(T) := \sum{v \in V(T)} c(v) = N_2$ and $c(v) \leq k$ for all $v \in V(T)$. We prove that a subtree $S$ of $T$ of weight $k - g + 1 \leq c(S) \leq k$ exists and can be found in linear time. We apply it to show, among others, the following: (i) Every planar hamiltonian graph $G = (V(G), E(G))$ with minimum degree $\delta \geq 4$ has a cycle of length $k$ for every $k \in {\lfloor \frac{|V(G)|}{2} \rfloor, \dots, \lceil \frac{|V(G)|}{2} \rceil + 3}$ with $3 \leq k \leq |V(G)|$. (ii) Every $3$-connected planar hamiltonian graph $G$ with $\delta \geq 4$ and $|V(G)| \geq 8$ even has a cycle of length $\frac{|V(G)|}{2} - 1$ or $\frac{|V(G)|}{2} - 2$. Each of these cycles can be found in linear time if a Hamilton cycle of the graph is given. This work was partially motivated by conjectures of Bondy and Malkevitch on cycle spectra of 4-connected planar graphs.

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