Emergent Mind


Decision-making under uncertainty is a crucial ability for autonomous systems. In its most general form, this problem can be formulated as a Partially Observable Markov Decision Process (POMDP). The solution policy of a POMDP can be implicitly encoded as a value function. In partially observable settings, the value function is typically learned via forward simulation of the system evolution. Focusing on accurate and long-range risk assessment, we propose a novel method, where the value function is learned in different phases via a bi-directional search in belief space. A backward value learning process provides a long-range and risk-aware base policy. A forward value learning process ensures local optimality and updates the policy via forward simulations. We consider a class of scalable and continuous-space rover navigation problems (RNP) to assess the safety, scalability, and optimality of the proposed algorithm. The results demonstrate the capabilities of the proposed algorithm in evaluating long-range risk/safety of the planner while addressing continuous problems with long planning horizons.

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