Emergent Mind

Solving QSAT in sublinear depth

Published Feb 11, 2019 in cs.CC


Among $\mathbf{PSPACE}$-complete problems, QSAT, or quantified SAT, is one of the most used to show that the class of problems solvable in polynomial time by families of a given variant of P systems includes the whole $\mathbf{PSPACE}$. However, most solutions require a membrane nesting depth that is linear with respect to the number of variables of the QSAT instance under consideration. While a system of a certain depth is needed, since depth 1 systems only allows to solve problems in $\mathbf{P{#P}}$, it was until now unclear if a linear depth was, in fact, necessary. Here we use P systems with active membranes with charges, and we provide a construction that proves that QSAT can be solved with a sublinear nesting depth of order $\frac{n}{\log n}$, where $n$ is the number of variables in the quantified formula given as input.

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