Emergent Mind

Path Capsule Networks

Published Feb 11, 2019 in cs.LG and stat.ML


Capsule network (CapsNet) was introduced as an enhancement over convolutional neural networks, supplementing the latter's invariance properties with equivariance through pose estimation. CapsNet achieved a very decent performance with a shallow architecture and a significant reduction in parameters count. However, the width of the first layer in CapsNet is still contributing to a significant number of its parameters and the shallowness may be limiting the representational power of the capsules. To address these limitations, we introduce Path Capsule Network (PathCapsNet), a deep parallel multi-path version of CapsNet. We show that a judicious coordination of depth, max-pooling, regularization by DropCircuit and a new fan-in routing by agreement technique can achieve better or comparable results to CapsNet, while further reducing the parameter count significantly.

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