Emergent Mind


We study Markov decision processes with Polish state and action spaces. The action space is state dependent and is not necessarily compact. We first establish the existence of an optimal ergodic occupation measure using only a near-monotone hypothesis on the running cost. Then we study the well-posedness of Bellman equation, or what is commonly known as the average cost optimality equation, under the additional hypothesis of the existence of a small set. We deviate from the usual approach which is based on the vanishing discount method and instead map the problem to an equivalent one for a controlled split chain. We employ a stochastic representation of the Poisson equation to derive the Bellman equation. Next, under suitable assumptions, we establish convergence results for the 'relative value iteration' algorithm which computes the solution of the Bellman equation recursively. In addition, we present some results concerning the stability and asymptotic optimality of the associated rolling horizon policies.

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