Emergent Mind

Topological and Semantic Graph-based Author Disambiguation on DBLP Data in Neo4j

Published Jan 25, 2019 in cs.IR , cs.DL , and cs.SI


In this work, we introduce a novel method for entity resolution author disambiguation in bibliographic networks. Such a method is based on a 2-steps network traversal using topological similarity measures for rating candidate nodes. Topological similarity is widely used in the Link Prediction application domain to assess the likelihood of an unknown link. A similarity function can be a good approximation for equality, therefore can be used to disambiguate, basing on the hypothesis that authors with many common co-authors are similar. Our method has experimented on a graph-based representation of the public DBLP Computer Science database. The results obtained are extremely encouraging regarding Precision, Accuracy, and Specificity. Further good aspects are the locality of the method for disambiguation assessment which avoids the need to know the global network, and the exploitation of only a few data, e.g. author name and paper title (i.e., co-authorship data).

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