Emergent Mind

Discovering seminal works with marker papers

Published Jan 22, 2019 in cs.DL and cs.IR


Bibliometric information retrieval in databases can employ different strategies. Com-monly, queries are performed by searching in title, abstract and/or author keywords (author vocabulary). More advanced queries employ database keywords to search in a controlled vo-cabulary. Queries based on search terms can be augmented with their citing papers if a re-search field cannot be curtailed by the search query alone. Here, we present another strategy to discover the most important papers of a research field. A marker paper is used to reveal the most important works for the relevant community. All papers co-cited with the marker paper are analyzed using reference publication year spectroscopy (RPYS). For demonstration of the marker paper approach, density functional theory (DFT) is used as a research field. Compari-sons between a prior RPYS on a publication set compiled using a keyword-based search in a controlled vocabulary and three different co-citation RPYS (RPYS-CO) analyses show very similar results. Similarities and differences are discussed.

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